Saturday 29 March 2014

Life Education Truck

On Wednesday we visited the Life Education Trust Caravan at school.  It was great to go inside a caravan classroom!

We met Harold the Giraffe and Jo, the teacher.  We talked about what our body needs to be safe and healthy.  We also talked about what makes us a good friend.

Here are some pictures of us learning...

Here we are going carefully up the stairs.

 Here we are inside the classroom.

 Here is Harold.  He is so happy to see us!
 Izzy is pointing to the love heart to show we need love.
 Inaki is showing us we need water.
 Bruno is showing us we need exercise.
 Gus is showing us we need to be safe.
 Ella is showing us we need sleep.

 We watched a little video of friends playing nicely together.  They were all kind to each other and let each other join in their games.

Thankyou Jo for letting us learn these important things in your very cool classroom!

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