Thursday 17 July 2014

Finn's caravan

On Friday, Finn brought his caravan to school to show us. We all enjoyed going inside it and getting a taste of what life inside a caravan is like!  We saw the little oven, the little fridge, the little sink, the little cupboard for the toaster, the folding table and lots of other little nooks and crannies.

Thankyou Finn, Joshy (Finn's little brother) and Finn's Dad, for bringing it to school to show us and let us go inside.

Shared Lunch with our Buddies

We had a lovely last day or term, getting together with our buddies to celebrate all the lovely learning we had done this year.

We played games outside and then came inside to share our lunch.

Thankyou very much Mums and Dads for giving us our yummy food to share!

Great listening Max and Inaki!

Room 5 are a great audience whenever we go to assembly. We look at the person who is speaking and we sit respectfully.

Here are some photos of Max and Inaki.  They were chosen as the very best listeners out of the whole school and got to sit on the big comfy chairs at the front of the hall.

What great role models you are Inaki and Max.  Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!