Wednesday 30 April 2014

Easter and Buddies

On the last day of Term 1, we had lots of fun doing some easter activities.

In the morning we went into Room 9 to work with our buddy class.  We made chocolate crackles with Mrs Algar and we made easter cards, wordfinds and lots of other Easter activities.

After morning tea we came back into Room 5 and made our Easter Bunny ears.

We really enjoyed a visit from the Easter Bunny who gave us an easter egg.

Here we are with our buddies in Room 9.

Here is the Easter Bunny, delivering our eggs!

 Look at the Room 5 bunnies!


Swan Plant Seeds

We planted swan plant seeds.  We are going to make sure they get enough water, sun and light to help them grow.

                                    We are putting soil into our seed pots.

Here are the seeds.

This is the seed pod where the seeds came from.

And, here's Matty with his seed all planted!

Well done Room 5.  You are great gardeners!