Friday 28 February 2014

Flowers for our Butterfly Garden

On Friday one child from each junior classroom went to Mitre 10 to buy some more plants for our gardens.  We chose flowers butterflies like.

Here are some photos...

Finn chose a plant for Room 5's garden.

Mrs Ryan and William chose this marigold.

Ella from Room 6 chose this pretty flower.

Lucy from Room 2 chose another pretty flower.

Marina from Room 3 chose this flower for the Room 3 garden.

Leo from Room 4 chose this flower.

William from Room 4 chose this flower.

Here we are with our list of flowers butterflies like.

Here we are choosing more plants.

Here we are at the checkout!

Here we are, ready to go back to school.

The plants are in the boot. 

Here we are again, safely back at school ready to plant the flowers next week.

Swimming Carnival Practice

On Monday we are going to Eastbourne Pool for our Swimming carnival.  On Friday we practised what we are going to do.

We used a noodle to ride like a horse to one end of the pool.

We used the noodle to float to the other end and blow bubbles to help us breathe.

We used our rocket arms to float to the other end.

Finally, we had a go at swimming to the other end.

We are looking forward to showing you what we can do!

Saturday 22 February 2014

Our Self Portraits

Look at our beautiful drawings.  We looked at ourselves and then drew what we saw using pencil. We then coloured them in using pastels.

Didn't we do a great job?!

Sunday 16 February 2014

Junior Assembly

On Friday we had a lovely time at our first Junior Assembly of the year.

We sang songs, celebrated our lovely learning and enjoyed listening to Mrs Buckley talk to us about our school values.  Mrs Buckley and Mrs Mills even acted out being nice friends!

Ishbel was sitting us so beautifully that Mrs Buckley chose her to come up the front and lead our singing!


Saturday 15 February 2014

Room 5 Treaty

We came up with lots of great ideas when discussing what would make a happy learning environment.

We all drew pictures of us doing something that would make us a happy group of learners and decorated our Room 5 Treaty with them.

Here we are doing some great learning, trying to be kind, conscientious and the best that we can be...