Friday 22 February 2013

Our Detailled Drawings of Ourselves

 We have worked really hard to produce our lovely detailled drawings of ourselves.  We looked closely at our bodies and worked out how big our arms, heads and legs etc were so that we could draw ourselves as we actually are.  Look at how well we did noticing all the detail-even in our clothes!

Monday 18 February 2013

Jack's Caterpillars

Jack brought in three tiny green caterpillars that he found sitting on his plant.  The caterpillars loved munching on the nice green leaves!

Our new Buddies!

Today we met our new buddies, the lovely Room 2.  We loved meeting them and are really looking forward to getting to know them and do lots of learning with them this year.

Music and Dance

On Friday, we worked well together singing and moving to one of our favourite songs, 'The Silly Hat Store'.