Tuesday 19 November 2013


On Tuesday we brought coins to school to raise funds for The Phillipines.  Thankyou very much parents and children for your generosity, and a special thanks to the Year 7&8 charity group who organised it!  What a great job they did.

You'll see the awesome coin trail below.  We loved going across the road to look at it! 

Buddy Time

On Monday we got together with our lovely Room 2 buddies.  We talked about what we really enjoy doing and called these things our 'sparks'because they make us 'excited'.  It was really interesting finding out what each other enjoy doing. The list was endless!  

Here we are with our buddies, drawing our sparks.

Monday 11 November 2013

Awesome Athletes!

We all took part in our school athletics day today.  We were absolutely amazing.

Here are a few photos of the class and house relays.

Our individual photos all show how happy and healthy we looked after a day of exhilarating exercise!

Well done Room 10!!!