Wednesday 30 October 2013


This term we are learning about Antarctica.

To set the scene, we talked about what we already know about Antarctica and then we watched a DVD about it.

Here are a two pictures of us at 'The Movies'.

(Click on the links to go to some Antarctica websites).


We're looking forward to the Year 3-8 Athletics Sports on Monday November 11.  Each Tuesday we've been going outside to practice with our Year 3&4 team.  So far we've practised Quoits, Vortex, Shotput and Long Jump.  We tried our best, practised our skills and were encouraging of each other.  It was fun!

Here are a few pictures of us in action on Tuesday.  (Thankyou Emma for doing a fantastic job taking these photos!)

Tuesday 1 October 2013


We had a busy last week of term making our art for our calendars. We were so clever, drawing our families, cutting out each person, and then sticking them onto our backgrounds.  For our backgrounds we used crayon to draw ourselves either on the grass or at the beach and then dyed the background a lovely sea blue.  We hope you like them!