Monday 30 September 2013

Spellathon Assembly

On Friday we had a special assembly to celebrate all the lovely spellathon learning that occurred at Muritai School.  Well done to every one of you who practiced your spelling.

We were very excited to see Ollie go up to recieve his special prize.

The whole school is amazed at both the wonderful spelling of everyone and the amount of money raised.  A big thankyou to you all for all your hard work.  Well done!!!

Fun With Fractions

We have been learning about fractions.  We have been cutting apples into halves and quarters and using playdough to make pizzas and sausages!  We cut them into halves (1/2), quarters (1/4), fifths (1/5), thirds (1/3) and eighths (1/8).  Noah and Ollie even managed to make a bar of 'chocolate' and managed to make thirtieths (1/30)!

The best part of our learning was when we cut Noah's birthday cake into halves, quarters, eighths and then twentyfourths (1/24)!

Monday 16 September 2013

Jump Jam Meets the Beatles!

During wet play, some of us decided to make a band.  Matthew sang The Beatles song, "Twist and Shout", while the rest of the band performed.  (Complete with iceream container drums and pencil drumsticks!)

We all enjoyed the song so much that Matthew's Dad kindly sent us a YouTube clip of 'Twist and Shout' which we all enjoyed dancing to for 'Jump Jam'.  Here we are...

Sunday 8 September 2013

Hazel's Wonderful Role Modelling

We all enjoyed listening to Hazel's poem that she is practising for Speech and Drama.

You spoke so clearly, looked at your audience and were so smiley and relaxed Hazel!  (We were all a great audience too; looking at you and listening to you as you recited your poem!)

Thank you for sharing your lovely oral language skills Hazel.  You are a great role model!

Our Creative Indoor Play!

Last week we were so clever and responsible coming up with ways to spend our time in the classroom at wet indoor playtime. Here are a few pictures of what we got up to.