Sunday 25 August 2013

Fun Friday Maths

On Friday, we did some amazing  problem solving for Fun Friday Maths.  We worked in pairs to see how many ways we could make 8 dinosaurs. We were so clever!  We made different sized groups and added them together to make 8, some of us multiplied 2 groups of 3 and added 2 to to it to make 8, and some of us even divided large numbers to make 8.

                      Awesome work Room 10!

Pyjama Day

Last Friday, lots of us wore pyjamas to school to raise money for Kids Can.  We brought along a gold coin donation for this cause, and had lots of fun looking cute and feeling cosy in our pyjamas!

Friday 16 August 2013


Here are a few pictures of us enjoying Jump Jam in Room 10.  We enjoy taking turns being the Jump Jam leaders.  We've remembered all our moves from last year!

Rugby Action

We went outside yesterday to practice and learn some rugby ball skills.  We loved passing to each other and scoring tries!

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Our Jane Evans Paintings

We've been busy learning about Nelson Artist, Jane Evans.  We love her colourful paintings where she contrasts bright colours. Here we are painting our own sunflowers, in true Jane Evans style.

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Room 10 Orchestra Performs at Assembly!

On Friday, we did a fantastic job, playing our instruments at our School Assembly.
Here is a photo and mini movie.