Sunday 30 June 2013

Marshmallow Houses

As part of our Inquiry Learning, we have been learning about how earthquakes occur when tectonic plates move.  On Friday we worked in pairs to design and build a marshmallow house that could be strong enough to withstand an earthquake.  We made our houses out of toothpicks and marshmallows.  We tested them to see if they were strong enough by placing them in jelly.  Some of them were so big that we needed to shake the table!  They were all amazing.  Very intricate!

Sunday 16 June 2013

Brain Jelly and Brain Chocolate!

This week we chose our own homework.  The only criteria was that it was something we wanted to learn and something that would be fun!

Noah wanted to make a brain.  He and his mum made a brain out of chocolate and jelly.

Thanks for letting us eat it Noah!

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Brain Awareness Week

We have had two great days so far, learning lots about our brains.  We have certainly learned how special they are and how important it is to use them and look after them!

On Monday, we had a Neurologist, Pascal Saker, come and speak to our whole school about the brain.

In Room 10, Angela helped us learn lots about the brain.  We learned that brains fit inside a skull to keep it safe.  We looked at a model of a brain and could see how it fits inside a skull to keep it nice and safe and protected from anything that could harm it.  We also started to make our 'brain hats'.

Today we talked about neurons and learned that there are billions of neurons in our brain.  (Did you know that 30,000 neurons could fit on one pinhead?!)  These neurons send messages to one another which make our brain work.

We had fun lying down on the carpet.  We pretended to be neurons joined together and had to send messages from each other.  We also made neurons out of playdough.

Take a look at the photos!