Friday 29 March 2013

Thankyou Easter Bunny Hazel

Hazel did a great job dressing up as the Easter Bunny for the Juniors' Easter Egg Hunt.  Thankyou Hazel.  You did a lovely job!!!

Easter Bunnies, Easter Chicks and Wacky Hair

On Thursday we made Easter Bunnies.  We also turned our painted colours we'd mixed earlier in the week into Easter Chicks.  All of this was done while wearing Wacky Hair!

Colour Mixing

We had our first painting session together on Tuesday.  We were so clever mixing colours.  We were given the 3 primary colours, red, yellow and blue.  We painted these colours onto our paper and then mixed them to make orange, green and violet.  Later in the week we turned our painted colours into Easter Chicks.

Beauty and the Beast Play

We performed 'Beauty and the Beast'.  We spoke clearly and entertained our audience beautifully.

Saturday 16 March 2013

A Few Moments to Spare

On Friday we had a few moments to spare.  Look at what some of us did.  We were so clever making these things...

Observational Drawings of beachfinds

We did a fantastic job drawing things we found at the beach.  Look at our lovely concentration.


We were lucky enough to watch two plays performed by our wonderful actors in Room 10.

We're looking forward to going to Wellington on Thursday to see more performers at the Childrens' Art Festival!

Sunday 10 March 2013

Rippa Rugby

Congratulations Jack and Pania for competing in the Rippa Rugby tournament.  How flash and sporty you look in our school sports uniform.   Way to go!

Seaweek Beach Visit

 We really enjoyed walking to the beach with our buddies for Seaweek on Friday.  We had so much fun walking on the track through the sand dunes.  At times we looked like a really long caterpillar!  We looked at all the interesting things on the beach and some of us even made maps on the sand with a stick!

Sunday 3 March 2013

A play

On Friday, Abigail, Amelia, Petra, Florence and Emma performed the play they had been working on all week, "The Best Fruit Shop in Town".  They spoke so clearly and acted out their parts so well.  We all enjoyed watching it!  They did a great job organising themselves.  They even brought along special clothes to wear and even made some props!  Can you spot the white cash register in the photo?